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We're looking for our Bumpus Hounds! Do you or someone

you know have a dog that's ready for the stage?

Bring them to our open auditions.


July 20, 2024 from 11:00am - 12:00pm


Here's the casting call! We're looking for dogs that​:

  • are Medium to Large

  • are in the hound family, but not necessity

  • are easily trainable to run from Stage Left to Right without getting distracted

  • can be taught to grab a stage prop and run offstage

  • can work and interact with other dogs in a social setting


Register for dog auditions by emailing the team:


At the audition, dogs will be led through a short audition session to showcase their ability to follow simple commands, attention, obedience and will meet some of the cast. We ask that all dogs arrive on leash and their humans stay for the duration of the audition. 

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